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Meet a Moose and Reindeer
Swedish Lapland
Luleå, Meet a Moose & Reindeer
While walking in a Swedish forest you might suddenly be surprised to see or hear a horse-sized animal crashing off through the vegetation. The Moose is the largest of all the deer species. They reach 170 – 210 cm height at shoulder and a large bull can weight up to 850 kg.
These kings of the forest are an imposing sight with their huge crowns of antlers, but they are generally shy. Considering their huge size moose are surprisingly seldom seen. They usually shelter in dense forest during the daytime, feeding on forest plants. They are best to spot when they occasionally venture out of the trees to graze on marshes, meadows and fields in the twilight hours around dawn and dusk.
The king of the forest
Close to Luleå you now have the opportunity to see and meet this king of the forest. In the park are currently moose Zigge, Zebbe and Zaga. They are always ready to give you a lifetime experience. They all love apple, bananas and carrots. During the tour you get information about Scandinavia’s biggest wild animal. It’s very exciting to stand eye to eye with ‘The King of The Forest’ and feed the moose from your own hand.
After some time with the Moose, you will go to the reindeer area. They usually come real close so you will be able to feed them by hand, and have some good pictures for your memory book or your social media, of course.
Don’t miss out this unique opportunity to meet the king of the forest and learn more about the moose by listening to an experienced guide!